How We Can Help - Fractional VP of Engineering

Did you know?

  • 69% of Millennials are concerned their workplace does not develop leadership skills
  • 97% of workers and employers believe that the lack of team alignment influences the success of a task or project.
  • 80% of employees feel stressed due to ineffective communication.
  • 86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.
  • 31% of CEOs are fired for not managing organizational change well enough.

Among the challenges that a VP of Engineering or CTO regularly confronts are:

  • Creating a hiring plan (individual contributors, managers, and your full-time Engineering leader)
  • Addressing cross-functional communication issues
  • Resolving misalignment between stakeholders
  • Enhancing visibility into engineering progress
  • Planning for both short-term and long-term engineering objectives
  • Aligning prioritization within the engineering team

What is a fractional leader?

A fractional Vice President of Engineering is a dynamic role serving leadership and engineering teams alike, offering all the expertise and benefits of a full-time VP of Engineering without the full-time commitment. As an accomplished VP of Engineering, I bring a versatile toolkit of skills and experiences, honing communication, enhancing clarity, and boosting efficiency swiftly.

Why use a fractional Engineering leader?

The role of a fractional VP of Engineering proves to be invaluable, especially for early-stage startups (usually through series C). Whether it's assisting a CTO who's deeply engrossed in code with the management and progression of an engineering team, or offering guidance to a newly-promoted VP of Engineering navigating growth areas, I have the expertise to provide targeted support. Even in times of leadership transition, my contribution can be decisive in evaluating and recalibrating future staffing needs. I serve as the primary engineering leader or as a collaborative force with the existing leadership.

Even some of the brightest minds may sometimes overlook the importance of communication and personnel-related nuances that are vital to productivity and efficient code delivery. As engineering teams grow beyond just a few members, these naturally occurring challenges in dynamic environments often become more prominent. With a respectful and subtle approach, I provide the much-needed support to bridge these gaps, helping teams reach their full potential without compromising their unique identity.

Why should you work with me?

With my extensive experience as a VPE, I've encountered a broad range of situations and have successfully stepped in to swiftly assess, devise an action plan, and enhance team performance. Working together, we can ensure that your engineering team reaches its full potential.

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